Did you know that there are more mobile phones on planet Earth than there are toothbrushes? That’s right. Today, there are 4.6 billion humans connected through a mobile phone (4 out of 5 adults). But there are only an estimated 4.2 billion people who have a toothbrush. It’s crazy when you really think about it.
There are more mobile users in China alone than there are people in the US. In the US, 91% of adults have a mobile phone and 40% of then now use the Internet on their mobile phone. A January 2010 study by Forrester showed that only 17% of US adults used a Smartphone. But we can expect that number to increase rapidly as the price of these devices and the cost of data service continue to decline.
Computing over mobile devices will skyrocket in the coming years. The proliferation of cloud computing and the applications that make it easy to manage your files and projects via the web using multiple devices. It is predicted that by 2015, mobile computing will be more prolific than desktop and laptop computing combined.
Today, the most popular activities among mobile Internet users are search, reading news, downloading music, email and IM. This will change as people become more interested in using their mobile device to make purchases, engage in social networking and blogging.
With mobile growing so rapidly, you would think that business would be on top of this trend. However, a recent study showed that 80% of online retailers say they do not have a mobile strategy. Incredible.
In the future, we will see mobile consumers use their device for money transfer, location based services, health monitoring, payment, etc. Businesses need to get up to speed. First, they should develop a strong mobile website. A good mobile website has a clean, minimalistic user interface, is compatible with all mobile devices, uses images sparingly, has a small download size and effective navigation.
A good example of an effective mobile site is one we just built for Myrtle Beach Golf Holiday. Go to www.golfholiday.com on your mobile device and check it out.